Supervising the process of house construction
Initiatives that are making a sustainable difference to the environment
Companies in the construction industry can make a positive difference to the planet by improving the sustainability of their products and manufacturing operations. These days, companies make big announcements about their commitment to sustainability. “The thing is, the public is a lot more switched-on about this topic now,” says Kieran Holohan, Managing Director of insulation … Continued
Health Awareness Q4 2023
2024澳洲幸运8开奖视频直播现场-官方最新开奖结果、手机开奖记录查询 Student health services help mitigate rising sexually transmitted infections
The Irish student population (estimated at 350,000 people) bear a disproportionate burden of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), with 40% of all STIs notified occurring in the under-25 age group.1 Although STIs are usually easy to treat, some can cause serious health issues. Chlamydia is the most common STI but can be asymptomatic in 50–80% of … Continued