Health News

Making lifestyle changes to help manage atrial fibrillation

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Janis Morrissey

Director of Health Promotion, Information and Training, Irish Heart Foundation

What is atrial fibrillation?

Atrial fibrillation or AF is the name for a particular type of irregular heartbeat. An irregular heartbeat is often called an arrhythmia. With AF your heart beats in a disorganised and irregular way which can lead to a range of symptoms and potential complications.

What are the symptoms of AF? 

Some people have no symptoms of AF and are only diagnosed at a routine check- up with their doctor. Other people feel their irregular heartbeat straight away through a range of symptoms such as: 

There are two main strategies to control your irregular heartbeat: rate control or rhythm control.

What are the treatments for AF?

There are several medicine and non-medicinal options available to help manage your AF. There are two main strategies to control your irregular heartbeat: rate control or rhythm control. Some people may also be prescribed anti-thrombotic medication known as blood thinners. Ask your doctor if you would like more information. 

Can I make any lifestyle changes that may help with my AF?

Go for regular check-ups. They will help you maintain your quality of life.