Data-driven insights help deliver better patient outcomes
Due to an ageing population, healthcare provision needs to reform to become accessible and sustainable. Patients living longer means there is a greater onus on patients to actively engage with their care. “We call this relationship the ‘Therapeutic Alliance,’ in which the healthcare professional is the recognised expert, but the patient — or their carer … Continued
Future of Healthcare Q1 2023
How digitalisation can benefit the biopharma manufacturing industry
With the world becoming highly digitalised, we must close the enlarging gap between the younger workforce used to a smartphone-based lifestyle and a paper-based work environment in biopharma manufacturing. The ability to retain the existing workforce while minimising headcounts is critical as talent becomes scarcer and new products are launched. Although considered more flexible, paper … Continued
Collaborating to innovate: Vaccine traceability
Identifying, tracking and reconciling vaccines with standards-based traceability systems across Ireland is making the COVID-19 vaccine rollout safer and more efficient. As COVID-19 vaccines became available, the Health Service Executive (HSE) needed an efficient and effective way of receiving, tracking and reporting vaccinations across more than 40 centralised vaccination clinics (CVCs) in Ireland. It was … Continued
Digital health is bridging the patient-healthcare gap
Offering patients all the healthcare information they need in one easy-to-access place can help them better manage their own care and recover quicker. Digital technology can have massive benefits in bridging the gap between patients and healthcare professionals to improve health outcomes. This can range from helping patients to become more engaged in their healthcare, … Continued
Collaborations and quality control shape future nursing curriculum
The experiences of nursing students who found themselves in the frontline of pandemic care are defining a new era in nursing education. The COVID-19 pandemic put healthcare workers, amongst others, under untold pressure as they helped care for those in need. Many nursing students found themselves on the front line of care, at a very … Continued