Health News

Navigating complex care: role of advanced nurse practitioners in RRMM management

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Ger Walpole

Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Haematology,
Sligo University Hospital & Chairperson of Multiple Myeloma Ireland

Relapsed Refractory Multiple Myeloma (RRMM) presents a multifaceted and challenging scenario for healthcare professionals involved in the care and management of these patients.

The landscape of RRMM treatment is continually evolving, with emerging therapies and clinical trials offering great hope to patients. However, they also come with specific individualised side effects and management concerns. 

Guidance and optimising treatment for myeloma patients

The increasing number of haematology advanced nurse practitioners and nurse specialists have demonstrated that they are pivotal in the management of patients by providing appropriate and holistic care and support. They play a critical role in educating patients regarding the nature of relapse, the available therapeutic options and potential side effects.

Specialist nurses who are consistently seeing these patients — often in nurse-led clinics — are suitably placed to provide clinical expertise and compassionate care, as well as advocate for the patients within the broader multidisciplinary team to ensure they receive optimal treatment at the most appropriate time.

Patients being monitored and managed
closely by nurse specialists benefit
from better side effect management.

Side effect management and emotional support

Monitoring of side effects and response to treatment is a vital part of the care of these complex patients who, very often, have many other health issues and complications from previous treatments.

Patients being monitored and managed closely by nurse specialists benefit from better side effect management and tend to tolerate treatment better and remain on it for longer. They also provide vital emotional support to patients and their families and link them with appropriate counselling and support services, such as the Irish charity Multiple Myeloma Ireland (MMI).

Accessible multiple myeloma care information

MMI focuses exclusively on supporting patients, families and carers with multiple myeloma and other related conditions. This registered charity provides patient information days and facilitates support groups around the country. Its website contains a wealth of information in many formats including a comprehensive library of podcasts addressing all aspects of myeloma care which has proven to be a very valuable resource to myeloma patients.