Health News

Five ways to cope with going ‘back to school’ after the holidays

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Victoria Howson

Community Engagement Manager, Childline by ISPCC

Nobody likes going back to school after the holidays — and no adults really like going back to work after their break either. Luckily, there are a few tips you can follow.

If you’re feeling down about going back to school or are worried about exams, here are a few things you can do

Focus on the positive rather than the negative 

It’s easy to list all the things you’re going to miss about being off school. Instead, write out what you’re looking forward to about going back to school. For example: seeing your friends again; having a daily routine; getting back to a class you really like; after-school activities; or even just your lunch break. 

Know what you need to do to have a good day 

Everyone is different, so it’s a good idea to find out what makes your day great. It might be getting a good night’s sleep the night before, making sure you have all your homework done by 6 pm, packing a specific type of sandwich for lunch or maybe having a morning ritual with a few minutes of mindfulness, for example.  

Plan a fun or relaxing after-school activity each day 

If school and homework are not your idea of a good time, factor in some time during the day to do something you’re passionate about. All you need is 30 minutes to do what makes you happy — reading, cycling, playing football, painting, singing or doing karate. Whatever it is, it will help make every day better. 

Everyone is different, so it’s a good idea
to find out what makes your day great.

Talk about what happened at school 

If the thought of going back to school fills you with dread, you’re not alone. It’s okay to feel those feelings; you don’t need to ignore them. Bottling them up might make them feel worse than they actually are. Why not make a habit of sharing what happened during your day with your parent, sibling or friend? Alternatively, you could keep a diary and try to match any bad incident with something good that also happened. 

Take it one day at a time 

It might feel like school is never going to end and that the next holiday is a million miles away. Trust us, it’s not. Halloween and Christmas are just around the corner. Make the best of every day you have — you’ll be surprised at how much better you’ll feel. 

ISPCC is a national charity dedicated to enhancing the lives of children and young people. provides a full suite of child-centred services, programmes and supports for children and young people. Those aged 18 or below can contact Childline’s 24-hour support line via live chat on or by calling 1800 66 66 66.

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